First of all I would like to take a few seconds to laugh: HAHAHAHAHAHA. The moment is over. I don't really know if you have seen this video or even heard about Miss Panama's response, but I have to say that if there's a contest for the world's most stupid people, Miss Panama could easily take the title. Let me show you exactly what she said. Here it is (in Spanish, I will later translate it): "Buenas noches panama, Confucio fue uno de los que invento la confusion. Por eso se le ha de lo mas antiguo fue uno de los chinos-japoneses que fue lo de lo mas antiguo. gracias." Now in english: "Good night panama, Confucius was the one who invented confusion. That is why he is the oldest one of the Chinese-Japanese who was the oldest of. Thank you." Can you believe this? I will post a link so you can watch the video, but for now lets get to Confucius.
As I read the Analects I notice that Confucius is a bit full of himself. I don't understand why he has to be like that. I believe that if you are as wise and as great Confucius is, you should be humble even though it can be hard. I also notice that the Analects although the chapters might have some relationship, they are very different. Therefore, I will go through them one by one.
Chapter 7: I want to start talking about this chapter by introducing this sentence: "Set your heart upon the Way, rely upon Virtue, lean upon Goodness, and explore widely in your cultivation of the arts." (Book 7:6) I think this could actually answer all our doubts we had about Confucianism and about what Goodness really meant to Confucius. What I understand from this quote is that you must always be on the right path and not be tempted by evil, you must also be virtuous, and have knowledge as well as practice the arts.
Another thing that astonished me and made me think in chapter 7 was this: "Is Goodness really so far away? If I simply desire Goodness, I will find that it is already here." (Book 7:30) So now Goodness is redefined we are not told it is impossible to achieve anymore. We are given hope, which allows us to understand what goodness really is, it is not unreachable and therefore we should all seek it and look out for it constantly, because my friends Confucius has said it it is not impossible.
Chapter 8: key word in this chapter: ritual. This chapter talks a lot about ritual and I don't what ritual actually refers to in the Analects. In my knowledge a ritual is a "ceremonial act or a series of such acts." (courtesy of freedictionary.com) so I would guess that a ritual according to Confucius would be something sacred. He talks about ritual, "Being respectful without ritual will make you exasperating, being careful without ritual will make you timid, being courageous without ritual will make you unruly, and being upright without ritual will make you inflexible." (Book 8:2) I don't know if this changed your mind about what ritual means, but I hope it helps. What I basically took from this chapter was to control your actions and be aware of the consequences that follow.
Chapter 11: I didn't really take much from this chapter (plus, I'm really tired I've been on this post for over 3 hours) except for this quote: "Upon learning of something that needs to be done, should one immediately take care of it?" I always thought Confucius liked to act on things as quickly ass possible but I clearly was wrong. We can see A calmer simpler side of Confucius and of his ideas. "Everyone recognizes his son, whether he is talented or not." This I didn't personally think was very true, probably back then it was, but now it sure as hell isn't. Now a days you have to be the best in order to make your parents proud and sometimes love isn't enough. It's sad I know but it's the sad world we live in. There really is nothing we can do about it!
">miss panama
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