Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Genesis 1-2- the beginning!

This is the beginning of genesis where we deal with creation, we talk about how god created everything and how he said: "let there be light and there was light"(gen, pg.1). It says that everything was chaos and dark before god went there and named land and the seas and everything else, it reminds me of metamorphoses where everything before creation was chaos, and I think that both texts were written under the same idea.

Although I am a catholic and share most beliefs catholics have, I don't agree with all the ideas or facts if you will, about creation. I believe when he states names for light (day) and for darkness (night), he can't take credit for these names because humans worked for many years and had to start up from scratch to adapt names and to get accustomed to these.

I hope that this doesn't make me a bad catholic but I myself believe in evolution as a more reliable fact than god saying "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters" I think that everything started from scratch and evolved there on.

I believe in my faith and love being a catholic, but some things are contradictory...sorry mom!

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