Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Job 11-37...Make love not war!

Now I feel the need to explain my title. Yes, I know it's very hippie and stuff, but believe me, it does have a strong meaning behind it. I chose "make love not war" because I think that Job's friends are very judgmental of him and really don't support him a lot, and all they do is criticize him. So there you have it "make love not war."

All these chapters deal with a topic we have seen before, Job being good or evil. Job's friend are unbelievably judgmental and critical to him. Job think he should keep working and being an honest man while earning money, but his "friends" say that he is a bad friend just because he has a lot of riches and does really have a strong faith in god, and even doubts him most of the time.

I wonder how many times I'm going to have to say this (maybe I should just write it on my desktop and just copy and paste it every time I need it) the bible is UNFAIR. I've said it so many times, and I will be saying it many more times. How is it possible that a man such a Job, a upright man, one that god loved, one that was faithful and served god. He who continued to have faith in god even after he deprived him of all his riches and even his seven son's, and after all that what does god do? He hands him over to Satan. What a nice guy (sarcasm)!

unfair or what? Job did nothing but adore and worship god, and god destroyed his house and gave him boils, he wouldn't although his wife advised him to, curse god. And what good came from that? Nothing, is the answer, instead he just sat there in pain, scratching his boils. Dude seriously, WTF?

This shows us how much Job was committed to God, even though God was a big old jerk: "Surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly, he shall not save of that which he desired."

As I read these chapters, I started having my doubts towards God. How could such a merciful and loving person (remember I'm catholic) be such a jerk? I love god, and I will never stop believing in him, but how can someone who sacrificed his own son for us, be so mean to us? It just took me a little by surprise what god did, but nevertheless I believe he has effective methods, and I am no one to judge.

This blog entry might have seemed a bit too short considering the amount of pages we had to read, but what makes the chapters so long re the constant dialogues between characters who dwell on the same topic over, and over. So, in a sense everything there was to say... Was said.

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